When Gems Speak


With increased automation, integration and AI, a new type of certification can be introduced: eCertificate. All the results are obtained automatically, without human intervention or interpretation.

In the Remote Laboratory (Site Office), two physical examinations are integrated into the imaging device: spectroscope and scale functions. Physical data and the gemstone images are sent to the AI Cloud, which interprets the images and creates the eCertificate.

Since the visual grading is done by the AI, there is no human (cognitive) bias interpretation, and the results are always consisted.

eCertificate is stored on the server.

Visual grading results are numerical and AI can provide a single value to describe the overall quality of a gemstone: Total Points.

Values can be “translated” to any major gemological laboratory certificate. This feature is useful, since the Remote Laboratory can be shipped directly to the grading customers: for example a polisher can see immediately what kind of certificate is possible and decide if further polishing is needed.

Of course, should the eCertificate, or any AI based certificate, become acknowledged by the industry on its own merits, there will be very disruptive consequences within the industry in terms of value chains.